Start-up Visa
We possess a unique grasp of the core anatomy of the start-up landscape, collectively bringing a mélange of diverse talents with a practical foundation of successful entrepreneurial pursuits.
Social Entrepreneurship 101: The Ins and Outs of Funding
Seeking and securing funding can be a source of anxiety for first-time entrepreneurs. But it’s a crucial step for both launching and growing your business, and if you’re unsure where to start, it’s worth asking for advice on how to best approach it.
New Start-Up Visa Court Ruling
Recent federal court ruling on a Start-Up Visa application demonstrated a key fact that was not obvious to a lot of applicants and immigration consultants/ lawyers: Start-Up Visa is not a passive investment program.
Saeed Zeinali’s Interview with Fundraising Radio on July 7, 2020
In an interview with Fundraising Radio podcast, Saeed talks about his investment-related experiences both as a startup co-founder and as an angel investor.
How Business Accelerators are Helping Startups Survive the Pandemic
Business accelerators are playing a pivotal role in steering vulnerable startups and SMEs clear roadblocks due to the global pandemic. Find out how.
Mental Health Industry — An Overview
The world has come to a standstill and the consequences are far-reaching. The impact of the Coronavirus on the economy, healthcare system, and families is unprecedented.
Startup Visa Program
At EdgeCollab, we are committed to the mission of this program and as a firm founded by immigrants, we are proud that we have facilitated the transition of over 15 of high-potential businesses to Canada.
EdgeCollab is joining forces to combat the COVID 19 pandemic
Canadians are dealing with an unprecedented pandemic situation. Handling times of crisis requires decisiveness, creativity, working together and leadership.
Concierge Patient Care Coaching
In an increasingly complex medical care system, the need for a service to help patients access the care they need has become crucial.
Better Supply Chain Management With Blockchain
Blockchain will change the way we do things in future. We don’t know how long it will take for it to become mainstream, but no one disputes the fact that disruption is on the way.